Kuntres Bikores HaGeuloh
                    A Hebrew analysis of Meshichist claims based
                    primarily on the writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l

Can The Rebbe Be Moshiach? Proofs from Gemara, Midrash, and Rambam that the Rebbe zt"l cannot be Moshiach by Gil Student

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Table of Contents
Preface (download)
Introduction (download)
Chapter 1: What is Moshiach? (download)
Chapter 2: Who is the Rebbe? (download)
Chapter 3: Is the Rebbe Alive? (download)
Chapter 4: Can a Dead Man be Moshiach? (download)
Chapter 5: What Counter-proofs can be Brought? (download)
Chapter 6: Is this Heresy? (download)
Appendix A: Is Yaakov Avinu Alive? (download)
Appendix B: Maharal on Moshiach's Name (download)
Index (download)

Contact the author (author@moshiachtalk.com)
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